Can you believe this is our last full week of August? This is a great opportunity to share with our community information from last week (week 2) and preview a few reminders at the start of next week (week 3).
Grading Reform:
Last week was Open House, and I appreciate our teachers sharing with you more about their classroom practices, procedures, and policies. I hope you were able to see the passion they have for education. One topic teachers probably shared was an update on CCSD’s Grading Reform Policies as outlined in Regulation 5121. I wanted to provide parents and students some additional resources to understand Regulation 5121.
- This is a copy of the Parent Presentation from our August Parent Meeting and SOT:
- This is a copy of the Mannion Middle School School Wide Citizenship Rubric:
- This is the CCSD Website dedicated to the Grading Reform Initiative:
Student Success Presentations:
In addition, last week Ms. Miller met with all students in grades 6 through 8 to provide our 21-22 Student Success Presentation. This presentation is posted on our website (Students – Student Success Office) but also available for parents to review here:
Now that all students have heard the presentation, Mannion Middle School will enforce the policies outlined in the presentation. This is a great opportunity for us to remind our families about a few important topics. While this is not everything, these tend to be the most discussed topics for students and families:
Dress Code:
- Please make sure that all shirts worn to school have straps that exceed 3 inches in length (3 fingers does not equal three inches).
- Please make sure that all shorts, skirts and dresses have a minimum length of three inches above the knee. Students may not have tears in their clothing (that reveal skin) above the knee. In the event the student has on a pair of shorts or a skirt/dress that does not meet these requirements, the student should wear leggings underneath.
- Tank tops that meet the three inch requirement must be worn snug around the arm pit so the chest area is not revealed.
Tardy Policy:
- First period begins promptly at 8:00 AM. Students who arrive at school after 7:50 AM struggle to make it to first period class on time. If your student walks to school or receives a ride, please make sure they leave with enough time to be on campus by 7:50 AM (Students late due to CCSD Transportation will not be marked tardy).
- In the event a situation at home makes a student tardy, the tardy will be excused (no consequences) if the parent walks the students into the main office and signs the student in on the computer in the office.
- Students have 5 minutes between classes. This is adequate time for any student to move from one class to the next. In the event the student does not arrive to class on time, a tardy will be recorded. Tardies will be documented in attendance and there are consequences for excessive tardies (see link above for more information).
- Tardies reset each quarter for all students and tardies will impact a student’s citizenship in the corresponding class period.
Bike Rack, Scooters & Skateboards:
- All students who ride a bicycle, scooter, or skateboard are required to register their item with the Student Success Office. Students who registered their item prior to Friday, August 20, will receive their assigned parking spot on Monday, August 23. Bicycles, scooters, and skateboards must be secured (with a lock) in the assigned space. Students who have not yet registered their item, are asked to do so on the link above.
School Fundraiser – Final Week
- This is the final week of the Mannion Middle School fundraiser. As a reminder, the items are available to view in our main office, but the process is done entirely online. Here is the link to the site, and please use the password “Mustangs” to gain access.
- We have met the minimum requirements on all items except the embroidered ¾ zip sweatshirts. If we do not meet the minimum requirements, everyone in the Petersen Family will be receiving a ¾ zip Mannion sweatshirt for Christmas so we are able to meet the minimum requirement. In other words, if you are not quite sure what to get, consider the ¾ zip Mannion sweatshirt for the special person in your life.
Upcoming Events:
Cheer Clinic & Tryouts
- Cheer tryouts will take place on Friday, August 27, from 2:30 to 5:30 PM (Students will be assigned times).
- Students who are interested in trying out for cheer are encouraged to attend the free cheer clinic on August 24 through August 26. The clinic will be between 2:30 PM and 4:30 PM in the main gym.
- Parents are not permitted on campus for the tryouts or the clinic.
School Picture Day
- School Picture Day is Wednesday, August 25, 2021. Students will take pictures during their science class. Information about purchasing picture packages was sent home on Wednesday of last week and posted on the school website. If you did not receive this information, please review it here:
- Students will remove their mask once the photographer steps aways to take the picture. In the event a student is absent on Picture Day, a make-up day is available on October 1, 2021. Make-Up Day is only available for students who are absent on picture day or purchased a picture package and were unhappy with the results.
I hope this information is helpful as you prepare for another great week at Mannion Middle School.
Go Mustangs!
Todd C. Petersen, Principal
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