The Mannion Middle School counseling department takes an active role in the academic, college and career readiness and personal/social development of our students. The primary role of our counselors is to help build a foundation for learning by assisting students to develop self-respect, awareness of others, and positive attitudes toward acquiring knowledge. Middle school counselors are not to serve as therapists. If situations arise where these services are needed, parents may speak with the school counselors for a community referral through the Caresolace program.
Students may see their counselor for any reason. Some of the reasons for students to see the counselor include the following:
- Academic Planning
- Adjustment to School Challenges
- Conflicts with Peers
- Family Concerns
- Learning and Studying strategies
- Loss and Grief
- Coping Skills
Mannion Middle School strongly urges parents to call the counseling office and let us know when their children are in need of counseling services. Counselors are available via email and phone. Due to the nature of the school day, emailing is recommended for a faster response. Their contact information is on the Staff Page accessible by CLICKING HERE.
Course Catalogs
In the spring of each semester, students are recommended by their teachers for classes the following year. Teachers use performance data to determine a student’s placement, and will communicate to parents if they recommend that a student is to be moved out of an accelerated class or into an accelerated class. Students also have the opportunity to select an elective. A variety of electives are available depending on a student’s grade.
This information can be found in the Course Catalogs available below and questions regarding course selection and teacher recommendations, as well as the process to challenge a recommendation, should be directed to the appropriate grade level counselor.
Elective Course Selection for 2024-2025 School Year
Election Selection for the 2024-25 school year is complete. All new students will complete elective selection as part of registration for 24-25 school year.
Early Bird Course Opportunities
Mannion Middle School may provide students the opportunity to to take a second elective by enrolling in an early bird class.
- Students who enroll in early bird must have their own transportation to school.
- Early bird options may be limited and not all students who want an early bird class may be able to take one.
Summer Enrichment & Credit Retrieval Opportunities
CCSD will offer summer school for middle school credit retrieval and original high school credit for students about to enter the 9th grade.
The information for CCSD Summer School will be available in March/April of 2025.
- NVLA Online Summer School Information – March/April 2025
- In Person Summer School Information – March/April 2025
Course Enrollment & Course Progression
Mannion Middle School follows the CCSD Middle School Course Enrollment Guidelines. Course enrollment and course progression are aligned with enrollment criteria in English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies. The criteria provide pathways to ensure all students are provided access and equity to rigorous curriculum and instruction.
To challenge a course enrollment and progression, please download the Course Challenge Request using the button below and submit it to the appropriate counselor and/or administrator.
CCSD Course ProgressionCourse Challenge Request
Schedule Changes
Students are often concerned about their schedule of classes. The most frequent request that counselors hear from students is that their schedule needs to be changed. Changes will be made for the following reasons:
- Student is misplaced in a leveled class
- Student is unable to acquire a musical instrument, and needs to change out of music elective
- Schedules are changed to balance numbers in classes due to increased or decreased enrollment
We do not make changes because of:
- Conflicts with teachers or other students
- Student would rather have a different lunch
- Student would rather be in another class with special friends
To request a schedule change based on the above criteria, please contact the appropriate grade level counselor. Contact information for Mannion’s counselors is available by CLICKING HERE.
Career & Technical Academies / Magnet Schools
CCSD provides students entering 9th grade with an opportunity to apply for enrollment at either a comprehensive High School, such as Foothill HS, or on of the Career & Technical Academies or Magnet Schools. For more information regarding these programs, see the flyer by clicking the button below.
Alternative Educational Opportunities
A variety of educational opportunities exist for the young adult who chooses not to pursue a high school diploma through traditional means, may be credit-deficient, or may have been removed due to behavior. Please refer to the following information regarding these choices.
City of Henderson Resources
The City of Henderson provides a list of resources available to Henderson residents. While the City of Henderson does not endorse any organization or individual, these resources posted on the city’s website can assist families in a variety of ways.
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