I hope you are enjoying summer and excited for your student to return to Mannion Middle School! Please take a few minutes to carefully read the information in this email – it has a lot of important details for August, including information about student schedules for 22-23, locker assignments, and Chromebook deployment.
2022 Back to School Day:
Back to School Day is scheduled for August 2, 2022. In addition to students receiving their schedules and locker assignments, families will also be able to pick up their 2022 Chromebook.
To alleviate long distribution wait times, we are asking parents/guardians to RSVP for specific time slots to pick up the school issued Chromebook and to get the 22-23 academic schedule. If families are unable to attend on August 2,times are also available the evening of August 4. If neither of these days work, students will be able to get their schedules before school on August 8, 2022. Chromebooks will be distributed during school times on August 8 or August 9.
Please click here to select your time:
Each time slot is 30 minutes in length with approximately 50 families per time slot. If your first choice is unavailable, this form will direct you to make another selection.
Families with multiple 7th & 8th grade students at Mannion only need to sign up using one student’s name, but know that we will issue the Chromebooks for all members of the household at one time. If you have a 6th grader, a separate email will be sent to you by Assistant Principal, Mr. Stork as 6th grade Chromebooks are distributed on August 1, 2022.
7th Grade Immunizations:
Students enrolled in 7th grade must show proof of immunizations for Tdap and MCV4. Students who do not provide Mannion Middle School with proof of the immunization will not be able to receive their schedule and locker assignments at Back to school Day and will not be permitted to attend classes on the first day of school. Please schedule your immunizations with your pediatrician as soon as possible and use this link to provide Mannion with a copy.
2022 Chromebook & Textbook Fines:
Student schedules and locker assignments will not be provided to students who owe Mannion Middle School/CCSD fines for Chromebooks, textbooks, or library books. In order to ensure that your schedule and locker assignment is available at Back to School Days, fines should be paid at Mannion Middle School prior to July 27, 2022 (The school is closed between June 17 and July 19, 2022)
Complete OnLine Registration for 22-23:
Please be sure to complete your OLR (OnLine Registration) through the Campus Portal. This is where you update your emergency contact information, email for ParentLink, and phone numbers. This is critical to ensure effective parent and school communication throughout the school year. If you have not already updated your OLR, please do so before June 17, 2022.
7th & 8th Grade Supply Lists:
Mannion Middle School will post the 2022-2023 School Supply List on the website. Once prepared, these lists are available under both the drop down menu of “Parents” or “Students” and organized by grade. Things may change, but this gives parents an idea for supplies to take advantage of summer sales.
Questions & Additional Assistance:
Mannion Middle School is closed from June 20 through July 18, 2022, but you should continue to check our school’s website for additional information and updates.
Our entire staff is excited to welcome our students back to campus. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Name | Position | Extension | |
Todd Petersen | Principal | | 4100 |
Misty Hargraves | Asst. Principal | | 4100 |
Tina Miller | Asst. Principal | | 4500 |
Zach Stork | Asst. Principal | | 4500 |
Autumn Medina | Librarian & ChromeBook Deployment & Fines | | 4500 |
Jennifer Selch | Registration | | 4065 |
Daniela Felsenfeld | 7th Grade Counselor | | TBD |
Cari Meyers | 8th Grade Counselor | | TBD |
April Perrucci | Student Fines | | 4044 |
Go Mustangs!
Todd C. Petersen, Principal
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