Happy Holidays!
We are very excited to invite our community back to our live concerts this year.
Our concert series commences on Tuesday, November 30th with the following schedule:
- November 30th – Choir Concert
- December 1st – Band Concert
- December 2nd – Orchestra Concert
It is our highest priority to ensure the safest environment possible for all of our guests as informed by the latest CCSD guidelines. These guidelines include mask requirements for audience members regardless of age or vaccination status. We want to continue keeping our community as safe as possible, so your help in this matter is greatly appreciated.
CCSD reminds everyone that if they have symptoms (i.e., new fever or chills, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, new loss of taste or smell, new or worsening headache, new or worsening muscle or body aches, new nasal congestions/runny nose, excessive tiredness, excessive loss of appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhea), to stay home.
We ask that you review concert etiquette guidelines to ensure everyone has a positive experience.
- Silence your cell phones or any other tech devices.
- Ask small children to remain quiet during performances, and if necessary, take them outside for a break.
- Wait to move around the bleachers until after a song is finished to avoid distractions.
- No talking unless the audience participation is requested by the performers. If something needs to be said, whisper it quickly.
- Please leave home with plenty of time, as the construction on Paradise Hills will impact traffic and parking around campus.
We are thankful we can bring back live events for our community, and we can’t wait for you to see and hear what your child has learned.
If you have any questions regarding any of these events, please email your child’s music teacher:
Choir – Mrs. McGrath – mcgrakk@nv.ccsd.net
Orchestra – Ms. Munoz – munozme@nv.ccsd.net
Band – Mrs. Guido – guidoms@nv.ccsd.net
Go Mustangs!
Todd C. Petersen, Principal
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