Mannion Middle School has responded aggressively to parent concerns regarding traffic and student safety travelling to and from school. While we know Henderson and CCSD Police will not be available to assist daily, we appreciate their efforts to increase traffic patrol around our school. As parents, we are responsible for what happens surrounding our school, and our behaviors need to model the importance of following the rules of the road and that of the school administration. Through our efforts with the Parent Community Partnership Group that meets monthly, we have identified areas of concern and realistic solutions. In addition to the verbal explanation below, visual images available by CLICKING HERE have also been created to assist all parents with the information. This information will also be reviewed and discussed at our December Parent Community Partnership Meeting at 5:30 PM on December 13, 2018.
Concern #1: Parents are parking in the Red Zone directly in front of the school so students are forced to walk between vehicles to find their rides. Cars driving through the parking lot can’t always see the students and this becomes a safety issue.
Solution #1: Cones now block off the Red Zone directly in front of the school. Students that need to meet their parents in a parking space can now use the crosswalk into the parking area more safely. Students can also walk along the curb toward the tennis courts to locate their ride and never have to compromise safety by crossing the driveway to a parent illegally parked in any Red Zone.
Concern#2: Parents double park against the Red Zone which force students to walk into the traffic of the driveway to meet their ride.
Solution #2: Parents should not park in the Red Zone against a curb. There are plenty of parking spaces for parents to use, as well as legal parking against the curb along the entire length of the driveway. If parents use these areas to wait for students, no students run the risk of being hit by a car to reach their waiting parent.
Concern #3: Parents are passing cars on the left to create a double exit out of Mannion’s driveway.
Solution #3: Per CCSD and Henderson Police, this is not permitted. Parents need to patiently wait in a single file line to exit the school’s driveway. Administrators will be in this area to enforce this policy.
Concern #4: Students are weaving in and out of traffic as they exit the school’s driveway on bikes and scooters.
Solution #4: Mannion provided students with a safety presentation on November 16, 2018. School administrators now supervise the driveway so students that jeopardize their safety and that of others will be reprimanded and parents will be contacted.
Concern #5: Students play in traffic after they leave the school’s campus and act inappropriately while walking/biking home.
Solution #5: Mannion Middle School, CCSD Police, and Henderson Police are utilizing SafeVoice to collect information about dangerous student behaviors off of school property. Parents may report the information via the school’s website, by downloading the SafeVoice app onto a mobile phone, or by calling SafeVoice directly at 866-216-7233. When we receive these reports, both CCSD Police, Henderson Police, and school administration respond appropriately.
Please take a few minutes to review the attached images that were taken on Tuesday, November 27th. If you have any questions about these parking guidelines, please do not hesitate to reach out to an administrator.
Members of the Mannion Middle School Administration will also be available after school to remind parents of these expectations for picking up students on campus.
Safety first, Mustangs!
Todd C. Petersen, Principal
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