This is the first opportunity I have to ParentLink parents of students enrolled at Mannion Middle School for the 2020-2021 school year. Welcome & Welcome Back, Mustangs!
I know many of you have questions, concerns, and comments about the 20-21 school year. So do I. Like many of you, I watch the CCSD Board Meetings, searching for an indication of what the upcoming school year will be like. Officially, my team returns to work on July 22, 2020. Once we return, and information becomes available, I will utilize this forum to communicate specific Mannion Middle School information. For your convenience, these types of messages will also be posted on our website at
In the meantime, I wanted to notify our parents and students that both the 6th Grade Orientation, scheduled for August 3, 2020, and 7th/8th Grade Back to School Day, scheduled for August 4, 2020, are cancelled. This was a difficult decision, but one we feel is in the best interest of everyone’s safety. These events bring over 500 people to our campus at one time, and until we have more information about the CCSD opening plan, I am confident that this difficult decision is best.
I realize that receiving this email may prompt you to want to ask me questions about cohorts, student safety, masks, transportation, and many other aspects of the upcoming year. Unfortunately, until we return on July 22, 2020, I have no more information than many of you. I ask for a few more days of patience and encourage you to stay informed by monitoring the CCSD website and your email.
I do know that CCSD is still collecting critical information from parents regarding their intentions for 20-21. If you have not already done so, please complete the CCSD Parent/Guardian Preference Survey before Friday, July 17, 2020 (deadline is 5 PM). If you are unsure of your student’s ID number, please call 702-799-6645 for assistance. This information will be shared with my team and having 100% participation by our families would be greatly appreciated. A link to the survey can be found on our school’s website and a link is also at
Again, thank you for your support of Mannion and I am excited to work with our parents, teachers, and students to ensure a successful 20-21 school year.
Go Mustangs!
Todd C. Petersen, Principal
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