The Clark County School District Website has updated information regarding the threats to schools that were circulating on social media yesterday. Below is the latest information, as of 7:30 AM, on Thursday, October 5, 2017.
“Update: Clark County School District Police Department and local law enforcement investigated the threat circulating on social media yesterday, and they do have a person in custody who was arrested overnight.
Thank you to law enforcement who work hard every day to ensure our schools are safe. School will be in session today.
A reminder: All threats made against schools will be turned over to law enforcement for investigation, and making threats against a school is a serious crime.”
Please do not hesitate to visit the CCSD website for more information:
As a final reminder, this is the Week of Respect, and all staff and students are encouraged to wear blue on Friday, October 6, 2017, so show support for ensuring that Mannion Middle School remains a safe and respectful learning environment.
Todd C. Petersen, Principal
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