CCSD continues to face challenges with student passwords. All Passwords must be reset on campus, and the site to reset the passwords is not operational and continues to struggle. Here is an update for Mannion students:
All computers are in kiosk mode, so when students open their ChromeBook, it will automatically take them to the “MyAccount” Page where they may change their passwords if and when the site allows them access. Once students receive “off campus” access, they may do the same from home, but as of right now, all passwords must be reset while the student is on the CCSD network (on campus). Upon opening the ChromeBook, this is what students will see:
Please remind students the requirements for their new passwords:
Requirements for Stronger Passwords
Minimum Length of 10 Characters:
- Student passwords must be at least 10 characters long. Longer passwords are considered more secure and encouraged.
Combination of Character Types:
Student passwords will be required to have at least 3 out of the 4 following character types:
- Uppercase Letters (A-Z): Include at least one uppercase letter in your password.
- Lowercase Letters (a-z): Include at least one lowercase letter in your password.
- Numbers (0-9): Integrate at least one numeric digit (0-9) into your password.
- Special Characters (e.g., !, @, #, $, %, etc.): Include at least one special character to enhance complexity and security. (For example: BlueFrog1!)
Password History
- Students will not be allowed to reuse their previous ten passwords.
We thank everyone for their patience during this time.
Todd C. Petersen
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