Dear Parents & Students,
Wednesday was the first day back for teachers and staff. It was great to see everyone again, even if it was only through my computer. It was also our first opportunity to discuss, as a staff, distance learning for 2020-2021. Our conversations were positive and productive, and I am confident we will be able provide all students with a valuable learning experience. For those of you still able and willing to give Mannion Middle School and the Clark County School District an opportunity to educate your children – thank you! We will meet your expectations.
The purpose of this letter is to begin sharing with you what information we have for the 20-21 school year. For clarity, this letter will be divided into five topic areas: ChromeBooks, Bell Schedule, Student Courses, Staff Changes, and Informational Parent Meetings.
- Student Success Coordinator Tina Miller is organizing the ChromeBook distribution for students who requested the use of a school ChromeBook.
- Ms. Miller will email parents on Friday, August 7, the date and time for ChromeBook distribution. The process will be very similar to how we distributed locker items and we will provide evening times for those unable to come during the day.
Student Bell Schedule:
- CCSD Leadership, with approval from the Board of School Trustees, moved all middle schools to semester based courses. Students will take 4 courses a semester, receive a year long credit, and be in the course for 70 minutes 4 days a week and 25 minutes 1 day per week.
- Learning time is divided between students receiving direct instruction for approximately 30 minutes and working independently, in organized digital learning groups with teacher assistance, for 40 minutes. On Wednesdays, when students have extended independent learning time, classes will meet only for 25 minutes. Teachers will use the time to check-in with students prior to their independent learning.
- To see the Mannion Middle School Student Bell Schedule please CLICK HERE. Be sure you are looking at the tab labelled “Mannion Bell Schedule” to see the bell schedule.
- The transition to 4 classes over 90 days requires a shift for students, parents, and teachers. High school credit courses taught in middle school (Algebra I, Geometry Honors, Spanish I & Spanish II) will continue to be year long courses (180 days). All other middle school courses will be semester based (90 days), yet be the equivalent of one year of instruction.
- We believe that all students should be enrolled in year long math, and that all math related courses should be taught by an educator with a math certification. As a result, math courses that cover current grade level standards will take place in the spring. This will provide our math teachers the opportunity during the first semester to reteach missed standards from Quarter 4 of last year and, toward the end of the semester, transition students to new material that will be taught in the second semester. Remember, instead of teaching the traditional 9000 minutes of math (50 minute periods times 5 days a week times 36 weeks) teachers are now teaching the same content in 5,490 minutes (70 minutes times 4 days a week plus 25 minutes 1 day a week times 18 weeks). To address lost instructional time, all students, except those in high school credit math courses, will take math fundamentals during the first semester. For consistency, students will remain with the same math teacher for the entire year.
- To see the Mannion Middle School Course Sequence Schedule please CLICK HERE. Be sure you are looking at the tab labeled “Mannion Course Sequence” to see how all courses will be paired for the year.
New Staff Members:
- As we prepare for the start of the school year, I want to introduce you to three new staff members who are critical to the academic success of our students as well as their social and emotional well-being.
- Please welcome our new academic counselors:
- Tim Parker:
- Counselor – Last Names A-L
- 702-799-3020, ext. 4304
- LaChanda Sullivan
- Counselor – Last Names M-Z
- 702-799-3020, ext. 4303
- Tim Parker:
- Please welcome our new Special Education Facilitator (SEIF)
- Trish Goebel
- 702-799-3020, ext. 4032
- Trish Goebel
Informational Parent Meetings:
- I understand that parents have many questions about the upcoming school year.
- In order to address parent questions and concerns, I will host a series of virtual meetings for parents. Simply click on the link below the meeting that best meets your schedule. There will be a consistent presentation for each meeting as well as time at the end to answer questions posted in the chat. For those unable to join any of the Friday meetings, the presentation, shared at all meetings, will be posted on the website.
- Breakfast Meeting: Friday, August 14 at 7 AM
- Lunch Meeting: Friday, August 14 at 11 AM
- Dinner Meeting: Friday, August 14 at 6 PM
With so many uncertainties and changes, we will not be sending you a traditional Back To School Newsletter. Information will be sent via ParentLink and posted on the school website, You may also want to review CCSD’s new digital family guide at . I will also utilize our school’s Twitter, @Mannion_MS, and Facebook page, Jack & Terry Mannion Middle School. In addition, our offices are open daily from 7 AM to 3:30 PM. All business must be conducted over the phone or, when necessary, by appointment. We make every effort to respond to parent emails within 24 hours and phone calls are returned before the end of each day.
I appreciate the trust and confidence you have placed in all of us. On behalf of the entire Mannion staff, we are committed to meeting your expectations for distance learning and ultimately, the return to in-person instruction.
Please tell your students that I miss them and I can’t wait to see them!
Go Mustangs!
Todd C. Petersen, Principal
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