Good Morning,
During the next two weeks, your Mannion counselors will have open office hours on Wednesday from 10 AM to 11:30 AM. You are welcome to log into this google meet to meet your counselors, get help with a magnet application, or ask questions on a variety of issues such as grades, assignments, or attendance.
Do keep in mind this will not be a private meeting, so if you need to discuss confidential issues with your counselor, please email or fill out the counselor request form.That form can be accessed here:
To access the meet, students must be logged in to their CCSD email accounts. Log into the meet at and the meeting nickname is mannioncounseloroffice. Parents may join the meet, but will have to be admitted by a counselor unless they are a CCSD employee using a CCSD email.
We hope to see you in December at one of our counselor office hours between 10 AM and 11:30 AM on Wednesdays.
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