I know this is a busy time of the year. I wanted to put together a checklist for families to make sure you have done all that you can to prepare for 21-22.
1. Registration for 21-22 is open on the Parent Portal. If parents want to request Distance Learning for 21-22, you must complete the online registration for 21-22 before May 21. For assistance with online registration for 21-22, please contact Jennifer Selch at or by calling 702-799-3020, ext. 4065.
2. Incoming 7th grade students need two additional shots prior to the start of the 21-22 school year. I encourage all 6th grade families to schedule these shots now to avoid delays in July/August. For more information about the shots, please click here:
3. Summer Enrichment and Credit Retrieval will take place at Mannion Middle School between June 1 and June 30. Please review our summer enrichment catalog and be sure to sign your student up for sessions that you think he or she will need for promotion and remediation and/or enjoyment. The catalog is available here:
4. 8th Grade Cohort C t-shirt distribution will take place at Mannion Middle School on Wednesday, May 12th. We will be in the front parking lot between 2:30 PM and 4 PM.
5. Semester Exams and ChromeBook collection will be on May 24 and May 25. Please review the schedule and note that Cohort A students will be on campus on Monday, May 24 and Cohort B students will be on campus on Tuesday. May 25. THIS IS A CHANGE IN THE TRADITIONAL SCHEDULE. Please review the schedule here:
The last Parent Community Partnership Meeting for the 20-21 school year will take place on Thursday, May 13, from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. To view the agenda, please click here:
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mannion Middle School at 702-799-3020. Go Mustangs!
Todd C. Petersen, Principal
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