Mannion Parents and Students,
On Monday, August 15, and Tuesday, August 16, students will be participating in their fall MAP test. All students will be taking the mathematics test on Monday and the reading test on Tuesday. The majority of students will be testing with their first period teacher. Students who will not be testing with their first period teacher will be given their testing location by Friday of this week.
Teachers at Mannion will use the results of the MAP assessment to monitor progress and make instructional decisions, so we appreciate your support in encouraging your student to take these assessments seriously.
Below is a link to our fall MAP testing schedule.
Students will need to bring the following items to their testing room:
- Chromebook (fully charged)
- Pencil
- Book to Read
If a student misses either Monday or Tuesday of testing, we will host makeup testing days on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The testing location will be provided to those students who require a makeup testing day.
If you have any questions regarding MAP testing please email Mr. Stork at
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