8th grade students enrolled in Health 8 during the 20-21 school year are eligible to receive the CCSD sex education curriculum. CCSD policy requires parents to opt their child into the sex education unit and we must obtain an actual parent signature as verification of your decision. With distance learning, we quickly found the parent signature to be problematic, so we developed this plan to ensure we receive parent signatures from all 8th grade students (regardless if they opt in or out of the unit) and to minimize parent frustration with digital signatures.
1. All 8th grade parents will receive, in the mail, a copy of the sex education permission slip and a self addressed stamped envelope.
2. All parents are asked to review the permission slip and sign the form after checking the appropriate box – either giving permission for your student to participate in sex education or not giving permission for your student to participate in sex education.
3. Parents are asked to place the signed permission slip into the provided self-addressed stamped envelope and place the envelope in your local mailbox.
Even if your student is not scheduled to take Health 8 until the spring, when we all hope to be back in school, we are spending the money on the stamps now to ensure we receive permission slips back for all 8th grade students. Ultimately, we need permission slips returned regardless if they opt in or out of the sex education curriculum. These permission slips should arrive in the mail next week.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Assistant Principal Misty Hargraves.
Go Mustangs!
Todd C. Petersen, Principal
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