In accordance with Nevada State Law, vision and hearing screenings are performed annually for students in grade 7. In addition, In accordance with the 2021 Senate Bill 2, the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) requires CCSD to collect random samples of student height and weight information.
Vision, hearing, and student weight information is scheduled for 7th grade students on Monday, October 10 and Tuesday, October 11. This will take place in their science class. School nurses and trained ancillary personnel will measure height and weight. Vision and hearing will be performed by school nurses and Health Services Staff. Privacy will be maintained within the constraints of the school setting.
If you do not choose for your child to have vision, hearing, height, and weight screening conducted at school this year, please notify our school nurse in writing. Her email is Please include the name of the student.
For your records, the official notice is available here.
Thank you!
Todd Petersen, Principal
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