Dear Parent/Guardian:
In accordance with Nevada State Law, vision and hearing screenings are performed each school year for students in Kindergarten, Grade 4, Grade 7, and Grade 10, and postural (scoliosis) screenings are performed for students in Grade 6 for females and Grade 8 for males.
On October 2 & October 3, vision and hearing screening, along with student height and weight screening, will take place for all students enrolled in 7th grade. This will take place during science class in the school library.
In accordance with Senate Bill 2 (2021), the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) requires Clark County School District to collect a random sample of height and weight information to report on child obesity rates (To view the official letter, please click here).
Height and weight screening may be conducted in your child’s school during the school year. Student groups selected for the screening were determined by DHHS as a representative sample of students in Grade 4 and Grade 7. Height and weight screening results will be reported to the DHHS, who shall compile the information in order to monitor the health status of Nevada children. Identifying information relating to individual children will be excluded from any state reporting requirements.
The procedure for height/weight screening follows the recommendations of the Nevada State Health Division. School nurses and trained ancillary personnel will measure height and weight. Privacy will be maintained within the constraints of the school setting.
Vision, hearing, height, weight and/or postural screenings performed by school nurses and Health Services staff do not replace your child’s need for regular health care and check-ups with primary health care providers.
If you do not choose for your child to have vision, hearing, height, weight and/or postural (scoliosis) screenings conducted at school this year, please notify your School Nurse in writing. Such requests may be emailed directly to our school nurse, Laura Leach, at Please communicate with her prior to Friday, September 29, 2023.
Thank you!
Todd Petersen, Principal
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