Mannion Middle School’s Open House is scheduled for Thursday, August, 24 2023. The school will be open from 5:15 PM until 7:30 PM (the schedule is attached). Families will have the opportunity to follow their student’s class schedule and meet the teachers starting at 6 PM with first period (5:45 PM if the student is enrolled in an early bird class).
We realize the schedule (available by CLICKING HERE) is a challenge for families with more than 1 Mannion student, so if families are not able to meet with all of the teachers, contact the teachers to request a copy of their Open House presentation. In addition, due to the limited number of seats in the classrooms, we ask that you make other arrangements for your high school, middle school, and elementary school students. If you have no other option than to bring them, we understand, but ask that they remain under your supervision at all times.
Finally, the Scholastic Book Fair will take place the week of August 22 through September 1. Open House is a great opportunity for families to visit the Book Fair and support literacy and Mannion Middle School. For your convenience, the Book Fair will be open on August 24 starting at 5:15 PM and remain open until 7:30 PM. For more information about the Book Fair, contact the school librarian at
Finally, the last day of our Swag Fundraiser is August 25. If you want to double check sizes, samples of our swag will be available to review in the library during Open House. To see the different styles and options, please CLICK HERE and use the password, Mustangs.
See you at Open House on August 24, 2023.
Go Mustangs!
Todd Petersen, Principal
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