As a reminder, Mannion’s Open House will take place on Thursday, August 22, 2024. The campus will be open starting at 5:15 PM, but the ten minute teacher presentations begin at 6 PM (first period) with 5 minutes for parents to transition. As a result, the event will end at approximately 7:30 PM. Early Bird classes will meet at 5:45 PM. Arrive early for best parking.
For your convenience, the school bank will be open at 5:15 PM for parents who wish to pay elective course fees in cash and make cash donations to PonyUp to support student incentives. In addition, the Scholastic BookFair (Library) will also be open throughout the evening.
Please be respectful of our community and only park in designated parking areas (parking is available in the front and back of the school as well as at Smalley ES). In addition, due to limited classroom space, we ask that children remain at home. In the event you must bring them, please make sure they remain with you at all times.
Finally, to assist you with an organized evening, please copy your student’s schedule down, in order of the class periods, before making your way to campus. To assist you, all students on Wednesday will bring home the flyer, available by CLICKING HERE, with his or her schedule on it. If your student does not bring one home, it is available by CLICKING HERE.
I look forward to seeing our Mannion Families at Open House on Thursday, August 22.
Go Mustangs!
Todd Petersen, Principal
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