I just finished looking at the 2018 Mannion Yearbook. It looks amazing!
Yearbooks will be distributed to students after school in the Mannion gym on Wednesday, May 9. Students that are not able to stay after school to pick up their Yearbook will be able to get them before school in the Mannion library the following day. Students that pre-ordered a Yearbook will receive a reminder during 6th period on Wednesday, May 9th. This reminder will tell them exactly which line to get into to pick up their Yearbook. To pick up a Yearbook quickly, students should bring their photo student ID. If they do not have their photo ID, we can look them up in the Yearbook, but this does take time and it slows down the line.
Once students pick up their Yearbook, they have the option to go home or to go to the cafeteria to sign Yearbooks with friends. While students do enjoy this “signing” activity, please remind your student to respect each other’s Yearbook and to only write positive and appropriate messages. There will snacks to purchase at this event.
Finally, we still have about 75 yearbooks available for pre-sale either through the webstore or the school bank. They are $50. Pre-sales will end on Sunday, May 6th, so we have a few days to prepare for distribution.
Yearbooks sales (if we have any left to sell) will resume at Yearbook Distribution on a first come first served basis.
Congratulations to Ms. Brasser and her Yearbook team. The book is beautiful and I can’t wait for you to see it!
Todd C. Petersen, Principal
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