All Mannion students are permitted to vote in the SOT student election. The SOT student representative is the voice of students to a committee of teachers and parents. The deadline to vote is 5:00pm on Friday, September 25, 2020. To access the ballot, you must be logged into your CCSD student Google Account. please click the link below:
Remember, each student is permitted to vote. If you vote for more than once, your ballot will not be counted.
I appreciate and respect each student’s willingness to serve our school community. Each student responded to two questions and their responses are available at the link below. To view the responses, you must be logged into your CCSD student Google Account:–3VPS6wUADWsvll6fkbk/edit?usp=sharing
The student information requested is to ensure that only eligible voters participate in the election.
Thank you for participating in the 20-21 student SOT election.
Go Mustangs!
Todd C. Petersen, Principal
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