Mannion Middle School Guidelines on Cell Phones, Smart Watches & Wireless Headphones/Airpods
- All Mannion Middle School classrooms will have a class set of the CCSD non-locking signal-blocking pouches. These will be affixed, via velcro, on the top right hand corner of every student desk. Teachers, on a case by case basis, and with administrative approval, may request an alternative location for their non-locking signal-blocking pouches (science, fine arts, self contained, PE).
- At the beginning of the instructional period, students will place their personal cellular devices and smartwatches into the non-locking, signal-blocking pouch. Students will be reminded by the educator to silence their personal cellular devices for safety purposes. It is best practice to place the personal cellular device in airplane mode before placing it in the pouch.
- As the instructional period ends, students will retrieve their personal cellular device and smart watch from the non-locking signal-blocking pouch. This may take place when the bell rings or upon instruction by the staff member to do so.
- In an emergency or an evacuation drill, students will always have immediate access to their personal cellular devices and smart watches as safety permits. This includes a hard lockdown or fire – whether a drill or actual hard lockdown.
- Students should not take their personal cellular devices or smart watches with them for restroom breaks during instructional time unless an emergency situation is present.
- During instructional time, students who need to leave the classroom (restroom, health office, student success office) will leave their non-locking signal-blocking pouch on the teacher desk for safekeeping. Teachers will have a small bin for students to place the pouch while outside the classroom.
- Students who have a cellular device during instructional time, and the cellular device is seen by a staff member, will have the cellular device confiscated and taken to the student success office for the remainder of the school day. Progressive discipline will be followed.
- Exceptions will be addressed on an individual basis considering health and special education needs of a given student, and must have approval by a school administrator.
- Mannion Middle School staff members understand the needs of today’s students to look at their cellular devices and smart watches during non-instructional time (school bus, before school, passing periods & lunch). Students who need to look at their cellular device and smart watch during these times may do so; however, the following limitations must be adhered:
- The academic hallways (200s, 600s, 700s & 800s) as well as the locker rooms remain cell phone free and students should not utilize their cell phone while inside the academic hallways or locker rooms. In the event the student needs to check his or her phone, the student should do so in the Quad and still be on time for class.
- The use of the camera feature, to take photos and/or videos, is not permitted at any time during the school day.
- Social media apps are not permitted at any time during the school day.
- AirPods and wireless headphones/earbuds are not permitted on campus. Students who wish to listen to music during approved times – before school and/or during lunch – may do so through the use of wired headphones. AirPods and wireless headphones/earbuds, when seen by a staff member on campus, will be confiscated.